The Swedish Cruising Association (Svenska Kryssarklubben) is concerned about your personal integrity and that you should feel safe with our processing of your personal data. The Swedish Cruising Association 802001-8878, is responsible for the processing of your personal data according to this privacy policy. The brand Svenska Kryssarklubben consists of the Svenska Kryssarklubben, På Kryss, 14 circuits, their respective circuit newspapers and 10 committees. The personal data collected by the circles for, among other things, activities are mainly compatible with the purposes described in this policy.

Persons under 18 years of age
We take special consideration of children under the age of 18 and use the precautionary principle. Even though Sweden has approved that children from the age of 13 can provide personal data without a guardian’s approval, we follow the parental code which states that the guardian’s approval is required for a binding agreement to apply.

Collaborative partners
Personal data can be handed over to partners who, on behalf of the The Swedish Cruising Association, carry out actions such as addressing, mailing, surveys, etc. After the execution of the assignment, the personal data is deleted when follow-up and control of the assignment has been completed. In the case of investigations, the personal data is de-identified when the assignment has been carried out. In the case of e-mails, your personal data is saved so that you can opt out of further e-mails and for statistical information.

Advertisements can appear in member magazines, on the web, social media and in newsletters as a way to finance parts of the business. However, the The Swedish Cruising Association never sells your personal information.

Storage of personal data
We store your basic personal data for as long as you are a member and a further two years. When you cancel your membership, you can specifically request that your data be deleted early. We will then de-identify your personal data as soon as we have the opportunity, unless certain services you have chosen mean that we have to save your data for a further period of time. Then we de-identify you when the services have ended. Some activities and services we offer can also be used by people who are not members. We treat such participants in the same way as a member.

Historical documents
Since we were founded in 1923, we have saved annual editions of the register which, in addition to information about members and boats, also informs about officials, representatives, members who have received awards, etc. We also save all protocols, participant lists, etc. This data is of great experiential and historical value and will be stored indefinitely.

Sensitive personal data
We will save sensitive information about health conditions etc. that is important for the participant’s safety during the activity for as long as we deem it necessary and for the follow-up. However, no longer than 8 months after the end of the activity.

Use of cookies
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer to improve your experience of the The Swedish Cruising Association various websites. Cookies are never used to track individuals. We regularly use various analysis tools to be able to follow visitor statistics and improve functions. The visitor statistics do not contain any personal data.

Social Media
The Swedish Cruising Association can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. As well as for På Kryss on Instagram. On these accounts, The Swedish Cruising Association is only responsible for any personal data that we ourselves publish, not personal data that visitors provide.

Data protection
The Swedish Cruising Association does not normally store sensitive information about members and other people. Storage takes place on our own servers and with data service providers with a high degree of security. Backups are taken nightly and stored with data service providers. No storage of personal data takes place outside the EU.

Incoming e-mails, letters and other unstructured personal processing
Incoming questions and correspondence from members can be disseminated within the organization and to partners in order to provide the best member service. The email is saved as long as the person is a member and two is thereafter. Correspondence is not thrown away. For all official matters, there is a legitimate interest in documenting and storing for an unlimited time.
If a third person is mentioned in e-mail or correspondence and it concerns personal data of a non-sensitive nature, for example in customary e-mail correspondence between colleagues or in other everyday messages, the third person is not specifically informed.